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In the UAE, laws are in place to protect housemaids and ensure their rights. Here’s a quick look at what you need to know:
1- Contract and Work Hours
- Every housemaid must have a clear, written contract. This contract should list all job duties, work hours, and days off.
- Housemaids typically work a maximum of 12 hours daily, with rest breaks.
2- Day Off
Maids are entitled to one day off every week. This day can be used as they wish, whether to rest, socialize, or spend time outside.
3- Payment and Salary
- Salaries for housemaids must be paid on time each month. Employers must not delay payment.
- The salary is usually set in the contract, and any agreed amount should be paid without deductions.
Every housemaid must have a clear, written contract. This contract should list all job duties, work hours, and days off.
Housemaids typically work a maximum of 12 hours daily, with rest breaks.
4- Accommodation and Food
- Employers must provide suitable accommodation, including a private space and necessary amenities.
- Food or a food allowance should also be provided as per the contract terms.
5- Health and Medical Insurance
Employers are required to provide medical insurance and cover the health expenses of the housemaid. Access to medical care is a legal right.
6- Resignation and End of Contract
- Maids have the right to leave the job at the end of their contract or give notice if they wish to leave early.
- Employers are also required to provide a flight ticket back to the maid’s home country at the end of the employment period.
Following the Law Is Key
Both employers and housemaids benefit when these rules are followed. Respecting these guidelines creates a better working environment for everyone involved.